The MAMA Method
Mothers Advocating for
Mindfulness & Alignment
One of the MOST comprehensive experiences built to support new and expecting mothers. Join us for a 6-month, holistic wellness and education program incorporating a multi-specialty team who will walk with you through different stages of your perinatal journey.
[AL]ignment is key throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

What's Included?
6 Months of Support
2 LIVE Virtual Groups per Month
Workbook and Individualized Plans
Your Very Own MAMA Village!
Live Sessions With A:
Mental Health Therapist
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist
Yoga Instructor
Lactation Educator
Program Features
We hold the Mama, so she can hold the baby.
Month 1
Introduction to your VILLAGE
Mind/Body Connection Education
Labor and Recovery Education
Birth and Postpartum Planning
Month 2
Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutrition
Body Image and Baby Weight
Pelvic Floor Education
Perinatal Yoga
Month 3
Preventing Postpartum Depression
The MOM Identity
Review Birth and Postpartum Plans
Self-Advocacy Training
Meditation for Labor
Month 4
Preparing for Postpartum Meals
Nutrition & Breastfeeding
Physical Complications of Labor
How to Let Your Body Heal
Month 5
Birth and Postpartum Doula Session
Identifying Resources
Restore Meditation
Month 6
Village Support Group
Back to Movement & Exercise